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RFP for Supporting communities in accessing Identity Documentation in Shan or Kayin/Karen State

Several studies in Myanmar including the MyJustice nationwide justice survey and UNDP studies on access to formal and informal justice systems in Kachin, Rakhine and Shan States have shown that access to legal identity documentation is a key justice issue for people. Recognising the importance of identity documents to access basic services and justice, the pervasiveness of the problem in accessing these documents, especially for vulnerable people and communities, MyJustice believes that it is necessary to pilot approaches to support them, particularly those belonging to ethnic and religious minorities, in accessing identity documentation. 

Objectives of the assignment: Vulnerable people and communities, especially ethnic and religious minorities, in at least one of the locations (Shan and/or Karen/Kayin State) have stronger understanding of their right to identity documentation as well as improved ability to access this right. The programme should also contribute to a better (evidence based) understanding of the barriers in accessing identity documentation.

MyJustice is therefore inviting applications for a proposal to support interested organisations in achieving these objectives. Interested applicants should review the RFP and other documents. The RFP provides all the details including the deliverables required as well as the details needed in the technical proposal. All proposals must be accompanied by annex 2 and 3 and the appendices 1 and 2. In addition to the technical proposal required under para 7.10 of the RFP, applicants are provided with four templates to complete:

Proposals must be submitted electronically to no later than 1700 hrs (Myanmar time) on Friday, 15 June 2018. MyJustice will accept applications received at any time up to that date.