On 27 April, MyJustice and the Rule of Law Centre Mandalay jointly hosted a Community Forum on Access to Justice. MyJustice Community Justice Manager Zaw Myat Lin presenting key findings on access to justices challenges in Yangon Region and Mon State to more than 50 participants from civil society organisations, the legal profession, the advocate general’s office, and the Mandalay high court. Together with MyJustice Access to Justice Advisor Susan Lee and Legal Advisor Tet Nay Tun, MyJustice facilitated a discussion with participants about the main challenges in promoting the rule of law and access to justice in Mandalay.
During the trip, MyJustice team alsi met with local CSOs and CBOs working on issues such as women’s rights, child rights, farmers and labour rights, interfaith harmony, health and social welfare for people living with HIV, to learn more about the challenges faced by the communities they serve, and how MyJustice can work collaboratively with these orgainsations in the future.