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A human among humans


This is the story of Honey, who received paralegal training and support by the MyJustice partner Colors Rainbow.

Colors Rainbow enhances public understanding and acceptance of the dignity and human rights of LGBT people and fights discrimination against LGBT people in Myanmar through awareness raising, education, legal reform and legal protection. They have 12 LGBT and non-LGBT paralegals who provide legal advice and legal aid assistance with in-house lawyers and provide referral services for children, women, the elderly and disadvantaged.

I want to be seen as a human among humans.
—Honey, Colors Rainbow paralegal

As a MyJustice Partner, Colors Rainbow supported LGBT people in their rights challenges in Yangon. Human rights and legal awareness training workshops were held in six Yangon townships. LGBT paralegals were trained in mediation and case management skills to assist LGBT people in their legal challenges (in collaboration with human rights lawyers). Information on this work was shared around the country through the LGBT Rights Network and fed into advocacy and engagement with public policy makers and government officials.

The story was filmed over 2 days in Yangon in August 2019, as one of five change films looking at MyJustice's work through the stories of five individuals who have effected change through their work in different parts of Myanmar.